Prof. Dr. Jan G. Hengstler
Monika Turajski
Ardeystr. 67
44139 Dortmund

Prof. Dr. Gisela Degen

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Hier finden Sie die Publikationen ab 2010, die am IfADo entstanden sind.

Occurrence of ochratoxin A in breast milk and urine samples of nursing mothers in Bangladesh. Mycotoxin Res 40: 135-146 (2024)
Aflatoxin M1 analysis in urine of mill workers in Bangladesh: A pilot study. Toxins (Basel) 16 (1): 45 (2024) (11 pp)
Organische Verbindungen/Parabene. In: Wichmann H-E, Fromme H, Zeeb H: Handbuch der Umweltmedizin. Toxikologie, Epidemiologie, Hygiene, Belastungen, Wirkungen, Diagnostik, Prophylaxe. 80 Erg.-Lfg., Stand: 12/2024 (Kap. VI-4, S. 1-113). Landsberg a.L.: ecomed Medizin, 2024
Integrated data from intravital imaging and HPLC-MS/MS analysis reveal large interspecies differences in AFB1 metabolism in mice and rats. Arch Toxicol 98: 1081-1093 (2024)
Role of albumin in the metabolism and excretion of ochratoxin A. Mycotoxin Res 40: 433-445 (2024)
Comparative metabolism of aflatoxin B1 in mouse, rat and human primary hepatocytes using HPLC-MS/MS. Arch Toxicol 97: 3179-3196 (2023)
Citrinin exposure in Germany: urine biomarker analysis in children and adults. Toxins 15: 26 (2023) (10 pp); Correction: Degen et al. Citrinin exposure in Germany: urine biomarker analysis in children and adults; Toxins 15: 26 (2023). Toxins 15 (5): 322 (2023) https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins15050322. Erratum for: Toxins (Basel) 15(1) (2023)
Assessment of multiple mycotoxin exposure and its association with food consumption: a human biomonitoring study in a pregnant cohort in rural Bangladesh. Arch Toxicol 96: 2123–2138 (2022)
Hypoalbuminemia affects the spatio-temporal tissue distribution of ochratoxin A in liver and kidneys: consequences for organ toxicity. Arch Toxicol 96: 2967–2981 (2022)
Inhibition of cytochrome P450 enhances the nephro- and hepatotoxicity of ochratoxin A. Arch Toxicol 96: 3349–3361 (2022)
The presence of aflatoxin M1 in milk and milk products in Bangladesh. Toxins 13 (7): 440 (2021) (11 pp)
Subcellular spatio-temporal intravital kinetics of aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A in liver and kidney. Arch Toxicol 95: 2163-2177 (2021)
Contribution to the ongoing discussion on fluoride toxicity. Arch Toxicol 95: 2571-2587 (2021)
Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in human breast milk in Bangladesh. Mycotoxin Res 37: 241–248 (2021)
Toxicity of fluoride: critical evaluation of evidence for human developmental neurotoxicity in epidemiological studies, animal experiments and in vitro analyses. Arch Toxicol 94: 1375-1415 (2020)